Grades at UCSC

<p>Is it true that there are none?</p>

how is that possible?</p>

<p>No it is no longer true that there are no grades at UCSC. At one time it was though. :)</p>

<p>It used to be that instructors wrote student evaluations but didn't give grades. Now you get both.</p>

<p>ah, bummer. I thought that was so unique and innovative.
guess not.</p>

<p>I believe it made it difficult for students who were applying to grad schools elsewhere; I heard that other schools wouldn't accept them. I don't know this as fact, though.</p>

<p>it's true that grads wouldnt accept them because of that...i went on the tour today and thats what the tour guide said</p>

<p>i think its neat that they have grades AND student evaluations, this way the professors have to get to know you a bit.</p>

<p>Contrary to popular belief, the no grades system did not impact UCSC grads ability to go to graduate school. I took a course covering the history of UCSC taught by one of the original professors. He claims graduate schools actually preferred the written evaluation system. It gave them a more three-dimensional view of the student.</p>

<p>Its not like the old system didn't tell the reader how well the student did. In my science and math class evaluations my professors always put the percentages I earned on each exam and overall performance for the course. It would have been easy for anyone reading them to evaluate my performance.</p>