Grades for prep school

Do the schools look at your specific assignment grades, semester/trimester grades, or do they consider just each year overall of your middle school education? How does getting a B in a couple of assignments, but still having an overall A affect your chances?

They don’t look at the level of specific assignments.

More to the point, outside of any graded papers you send, they don’t have access to specific assignments

They look at your main averages, A’s, B’s, etc. They also look at your GPA and any information you give them. What you give them they can see pretty much. Getting a B in a couple assignments isn’t bad, as long as you continue to have an A in the class. I’m applying to Exeter and I’m just focusing on keeping my A’s up.

As stated previously, they do not look at singular assignments. Also – it is TOTALLY okay to have a few Bs. I’m going to Choate and I had 3 Bs and a C+.

I think the AO’s want the big picture and don’t focus on grades. ALL A’s through middle school. So what? Not sure they cared. Not a single AO asked @ grades- nobody brought it up in interviews. It may not have made a difference at some schools. Don’t let a few B’s through you off course or dim your hopes.