Grades that schools look at

<p>If I applied for 11th grade, would they look at my 9th grade grades or only 10th?</p>

<p>Most schools look at your fall term’s grades plus the two years prior. Exeter only asks for one prior year, though. There may be some other exceptions.</p>

<p>I applied for the 11th grade this coming fall at various schools and was almost exclusively asked for my grades from the 6th-10th grade. There was one school(not Exeter) that only asked for the last three. </p>

<p>I didn’t see this as a bad thing, seeing as during grades 6-10 I was highest, or next-highest in my year so I was pretty happy to send more rather than less. </p>

<p>It is however possible that I was just asked for more 'cause I’m an international.</p>

<p>My D applied from the U.S. and the requirements at all schools were as I indicated above. It sounds like the requirements are different for international students.</p>

<p>My daughter is an international student and applied for 11th grade. All the schools asked for her 9th grade scores and the current ones.</p>