
I haven’t taken college courses since 2010, and I’ve recently enrolled at a local tech school and started today.

When I took courses back in 2010, I don’t remember the grading being so harsh. Here are the numbers:

94-100 A
87-93 B
80-86 C
75-79 D
74 and below F

After not being in school for several years, this worries me. My grading is 30% quizzes (unlimited amount of times to take them), 30% assignments, and 40% exams.

I don’t think there’s a “curve” or anything. I should mention the two courses I’m taking right now are both online. I chose online and only two classes because I need to dive in slowly.

So, excuse my ignorance, but has college grading always been this way? Am I being too paranoid?

Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks. Also, not sure if this thread will end up in the right place.

At some schools, the profs can set their own standards on what is an A. Those ranges you posted look a little strict.

My daughter was diappointed when a prof refused to round a grade up 0.5 to be an A.

Most profs do grade on a curve. The prof will look incompetent if they flunk too many students - and most colleges need the tuition money.

Nursing programs do typically require that students maintain a certain minimum GPA in order to stay in the program. If not, the student has to pick another major. Many nursing students allow a student to take a class a second time if they don’t achive a minimum grade in the class, but that can result in delays if the class is only offered once a year.

Thank you for your response.

I do have to maintain a C average (2.0) in order to carry on with my courses.

To be fair, from what I’ve been looking at today, the course work seems pretty achievable. For example, I can take quizzes as many times as I need to ensure I get 100%. Some of the “assignments” are based on completion, not score.

This is just the first round of quizzes/assignments which are due in about three weeks. I’m sure as I continue with my courses, things might get a bit more difficult.

I’ve thought about emailing her and asking about grading, and why the grading is so strict, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea.

It just threw me off.

The nursing department can set its own grading scale. I don’t think it’s uncommon for the minimum passing standard to be higher than other departments within a school. My own child needed a 78 average on tests to pass (papers, etc. didn’t figure in to that minimum). Below that, and the course would need to be repeated. Yours looks like it’s an 80. Also not uncommon.

Thanks for the reply. I emailed the director of the program out of curiosity, and she said the instructors of health classes have to use the school’s grading scale for allied health courses. She made me feel a bit better about everything. After not being in school for several years, it feels overwhelming, but since I’m only taking two classes this semester, that gives me a lot of time to focus on each course.