Graduate at MIT


<p>I am quite new to this forum, altough i have been peeking on and off for a while.. I am not very familiar with the admission proces in the USA. I study in Europe, Delft.
I am already actually an Msc student over here. But I would like make a switch to the MIT program.
I would like to know how hard the admission criteria are or if some one has experience with it?
I guess gradues grades matter less in this field, because in our school they tend to be somewhat subjective at times.</p>


<p>I don’t have any insider information on MIT but I would say as a general statement for the highly selective Masters of Architecture programs in the US the priority orders is (roughly):

  1. Portfolio
  2. Undergraduate grades
  3. Recommendations
  4. Life/work experience
  5. Demographic
  6. Statement / essay
  7. GRE score</p>

<p>By demographic I mean any personal characteristics that would contribute to the diversity of program’s community – gender, religion, ethnic group, age, economic status, geographic base. The schools strive to put together a balanced group of students and depending on who they already have, your personal demographics can help or hurt you. </p>

<p>You also need to fulfill the course requirements for admissions. Usually these are classes in art studio, architecture art history, physics and calculus, but they vary by school, so check each one.</p>