Graduate School Admissions-Chances?

I applied for the History MA program. Undergrad GPA at WVU was a 3.4, cumulative with transfer courses was a 2.74. No GRE scores. 21 hours of HIST courses , 3.5+ GPA in those. Any shot of getting into grad school? Would like to hear stats of anybody whose applied. Thanks guys!

I am curious how to interpret your post. “GPA at WVU was a 3.4” is pretty good. “Cumulative … was a 2.74” is not quite as good.

Can you explain what your grades were per year? If the 3.4 is more recent, this should help you a lot.

Sure, I transferred to WVU as a 5th year senior. My GPA with only WVU courses was a 3.4 (final year), the transfer courses I brought with me lowered my cumulative GPA to a 2.74. WVU apparently counts transfer courses into your overall GPA, so it’s a bit weird.