Graduate School Computer Science/ Human Computer Interaction

I am not sure how many people can help me since this seems to mainly be a forum for undergraduate school, but it is increasingly difficult to get help with Graduate School from advisers at your own school. I am hoping people can assist me with finding schools that has a graduate school for Computer Science or even more specific Human Computer Interaction. If anyone knows a good website that can rank the schools as well, I am looking at both public and private colleges and they can be international. Any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>Yeah I was looking into Carnegie Mellon,
I have actually a okay list of schools but nothing that really gives me a rating system.</p>

<p>Here's the NRC ranking with 100+ schools ranked:</p>

<p>NRC</a> Rankings in Each of 41 Areas</p>

<p>It's a little old (1995)--the new ones are due later on this year, but they shouldn't be very different.</p>

<p>If human-computer interaction is what you want, I'd recommend Stanford in particular--they have quite a few courses to do with it, including:</p>

<p>CS247 Human-Computer Interaction Design Studio (project-based)
CS247L Human-Computer Interaction Technology Lab
CS377 Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
CS377A Introduction to Cybernetics and the Design of Systems
CS377S Designing Applications that See</p>

<p>as well as various other courses, like Reasoning Methods in Artificial Intelligence. It's also prominent in research at Stanford--see this page for more info:</p>

<p>HCI</a> at Stanford</p>

<p>Berkeley also has a nice focus on HCI:</p>

<p>Human-Computer</a> Interaction (HCI) | EECS at UC Berkeley</p>

<p>If you're willing to go overseas...a colleague at work who specializes in HCI did his PhD at Cambridge, and really liked it.</p>

<p>A few other things I found:</p>

<p>CMU actually has its own HCI institute:</p>

<p>Human-Computer</a> Interaction Institute - Carnegie Mellon University</p>

<p>It seems to be a big part of CS at CMU.</p>

<p>yeah I had seen that and thank you, the only problem is CMU is an extremely hard school to get into but I am going to be studying for the GRE's for the next 4 months... but I will have 3 core classes (quarter system) the same time I will be forced to take them and hoping I won't have any tests during that period.</p>

<p>I’m actually a graduate student at DePaul University majoring in HCI. They are located in Chicago, IL. I’m not sure how they rank, but they have a very large and varied program. You can look at their program by going to: [DePaul</a> CDM – College of Computing and Digital Media – formerly the School of Computer Science, Telecommuincations and Information Systems](<a href=“”></p>