<p>I attend a Liberal Arts college, and I am about to finish up a double major in English and Sociology (with a minor in writing). I am looking into graduate schools, and I am hoping to gauge what type of schools I could get into. I have a 3.6 GPA (4.0 scale) and I am looking to get my masters in education. I am a member of both the English and Sociology honor societies (an officer of one of them) with a good amount of extracurricular activities. I would like to get into the best school I can. Is UCONN realistic? Is there a better school out there I might be accepted to? Or am I thinking to highly of myself?</p>
<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<p>It will depend on what you are going to do. </p>
<p>For example if you were getting a masters in teacher education there are a number of different tracks for example: for people who are currently working as teachers, for people who are career changing, who were not ed majors and are not current teachers, for people who are getting masters in elementary education, for teachers who are getting masters in secondary education (which will often be attached to a subject speciality).</p>
<p>Are you looking to become a guidance counselor or do something in educational psychology for which there will be an expectation of having a number of psych credits. please elaborate.</p>
<p>I am looking to get my masters in secondary education; I would like to be a high school English teacher.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help</p>
<p>p.s. Pardon the spelling error in my last messageā¦ I clearly did not proofread.</p>