Hi, Everyone!
in a few months (if all goes well) i should be entering graduate school in either one of Russia’s largest cities (Moscow or St. Petersburg). I study and love Russian history, you see. So, to finally be going there is absolutely amazing. not only that, but there’s been quite a mess in my family lately. so, going to school (anywhere really) acts as a kind of reprieve from the madness. Also, i should mention that going to school abroad has become more and more attractive to me as i’ve become more and more bored at home – i feel like i’m in a rut and studying abroad could fix that. Plus, all of my former Russian history/politics professors studied in Russia.
But, and here’s the problem, i’m also really, really scared: I’m leaving the security and comforts of home (for the very first time in my life) for a very different country. Now add to this, the absolutely terrifying pep talk my mom gave me. My mom kind of worried me the other night by warning me of the possible dangers lurking in the city – stuff that could happen in any city, really. Because the picture she painted was so graphic, i fear for my safety (none of this stuff crossed my mind before. I guess because i earned my Bachelor’s degree in a city close to home without any problem). she thinks that because i’m a shy person i won’t be able to survive or defend myself, if need be.
I’m scared. I’m afraid of leaving my mom and home. i’m afraid that something terrible will happen to me (and i’d have to return home a failure). i wake up like a million times a night fretting the day i have to leave. i’m terrified, absolutely terrified. have i made the wrong decision? its too late to apply closer to home. what do i do? what would you do? have you studied in Russia? how’d you like it?