Graduating high school - and transfering.

I'm a high school senior graduating in May. When I graduate I'll have 45 college credits (due to dual credit classes) as well, so I'll also be somewhat of a transfer student. I've been invited to become a member of Phi Theta Kappa, and with that comes scholarship opportunities. My question is: has anyone else here been in this kind of situation? How does having this dual status work to your advantage and how can i maximize my potential scholarsips?</p>

<p>Actually, for merit scholarships it’s usually much better to apply as a freshman. You need to talk to the schools you’re interested in to see your possibilities for applying and what scholarships you qualify for.</p>

<p>Outside scholarships are often aimed at freshmen too.</p>

<p>There are also schools that don’t offer need based aid to transfers. Usually if you’ve done duel enrollment it’s no problem to apply as a freshman.</p>

<p>I’m already accepted to ISU as an incoming freshman next fall, and I’ve recieved a tuition scholarship for freshman. However, a lot of the transfer scholarships only require that you’re transfering in a certain amount of credits, so would it be possible to pick up some of those as well as freshman scholarships?</p>

<p>You are going to have to take your question to the financial aid/scholarship office at ISU.</p>

<p>Definitely doing that first thing after school tuesday. : ) just wondering if anyone else has been in this situation and how it’s worked out.</p>