Graduating with Honors?

<p>How important is graduating with honors? I go to a university that requires you to have a gpa over 3.5 as well as do a final research project in order to be considered an honors student. Since I am a neuroscience major that would mean an intense study which will essentially ruin my senior year. I have worked in a lab since I was a freshman and will work there again next year (making it a total of 2.5 years in a lab) but I hate research and do not want to do it my senior year. Since you apply to med schools before senior year is the honors title really all that important? I will have the 3.5+ GPA I just don't want to spend my last year hating every minute just so I can wear a sash at graduation.</p>

<p>Honors itself doesn't matter, but the research project does.</p>

<p>research matters and no idea how application works.</p>

<p>Yea, the honors part will mean absolutely nothing. But, gpa is obviously important as is research experience. In other words, the honors program could indirectly help you or you could just participate in research outside of the honors program. It wouldn't matter either way.</p>