<p>Hi. </p>
<p>Can you say something like this</p>
<p>To amass a large vocabulary, you should read many books, however, a good dictionary is also necessary?</p>
<p>In other words can you say "... , however,......." ?</p>
<p>Hi. </p>
<p>Can you say something like this</p>
<p>To amass a large vocabulary, you should read many books, however, a good dictionary is also necessary?</p>
<p>In other words can you say "... , however,......." ?</p>
<p>However sounds good.</p>
<p>So it is okay to say this ?</p>
<p>".............. , however , ........... "</p>
<p>But this is not correct, right?</p>
<p>".................. , however ............"</p>
<p>the former.</p>
<p>The entire sentence is wrong because the clauses do not match.</p>
<p>"To amass a large vocabulary, you should read many books and you should also have a good dictionary."</p>
<p>"However" is also wrong. Your sentence is trying to say "in addition" to reading good books you need a dictionary. "However" is a "but":</p>
<p>"He tried to improve his vocabulary by reading good books; however, without a good dictionary, he was at a disadvantage."</p>
<p>^ I was thinking the same thing. However is similiar to the word "but", not the phrase "in addition to." Anyways, "however" can be used like that.</p>