Grandfather was ND Alumni

This has probably been asked here before. If my grandfather is a Notre Dame Graduate (Alumni) would that increase my chances of getting in? I have a GPA of 4.25. tia</p>

<p>From what I have heard, no. It has to be a parent to make a difference. Aunts/uncles don't help here, either.</p>


<p>an ND grad.</p>

<p>It might, try taking this to the ND board. </p>

<p>Good luck, I want to go there too.</p>

<p>The definition of "legacy" can vary from school to school. I do not know Notre Dame's policy re: legacy status.</p>

<p>you're only a legacy if your parents(s) went there. my grandfather is a Domer, but that won't help me. Both my parents went to ND, so THAT will help me.</p>

<p>I recently attended a presentation given by the admissions office of Notre Dame. It does not matter if anyone other than your parents went there. He said in some instances other family members may make you a legacy. I had a question I was too nervous to ask about, my uncle was a holy cross priest at Notre Dame for 50 years, and contributed a lot to the university. I am a sophomore in one of the top high schools in the nation, and I had a 3.8 last year. So far I have maintained that this year taking college level courses that most likely make my GPA above a 4.0. Like I said, I am a sophomore, I have not taken the SATs yet. Given that information, what do you think my chances are of getting accepted into Notre Dame?</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer last year with a 3.92 gpa - my hs was shoty - like 3.0-3.3 - 27 act - but i was a 4 sport varsity athlete among other things - </p>

<p>my mother went there for law school, uncles went there, great uncle played under rockne–but was kicked out of the school - cousin presently goes there - and my grandfather was on the board of the law school and a guest prof there for about 20 years… i was rejected. it sucks, but that is the nature of the beast. don’t rely on legacy for a shoe-in. i am applying again this semester but if all else fails… i’m stuck in Ann Arbor for the next 2.5 years.</p>

<p>yeah legacy at ND includes your parents only so unfortunately it won’t help that your grandfather went there.</p>

ouch, what are you majoring in at umich?</p>

<p>The man representing Notre Dame admissions told me to put my uncle on the transcript. Out of the lists of names given in the room, my uncle’s was the only exception to legacy. I would have thought your best bet would be to go to Holy Cross, otherwise transferring is very competitive. Around 50% of Holy Cross transfers are accepted. I’m just hoping for the best, I made my junior year schedule today. I am literally taking all AP courses, my next year will be spent doing all-nighters. I’m just doing what I can right now by volunteering at hospitals and through my church, I just got put on a leadership committee today. I’ll see how it all works out.</p>

<p>@ Domer - I am POli Sci - Econ and a minor in bio chem… but i am dropping the bio chem. planning on law school at either ND, UM or a reach HY</p>