<p>I recently found out that the ETS reviews the questions given to individual test-takers and states that "in a very small number of cases, the computer algorithm may not have selected an optimal distribution of test questions that would have allowed the test taker to fully demonstrate his or her true ability level." They offer a free re-test for the section in question. (see <a href="http://www.ets.org/gre/retestfaqs/%5B/url%5D">http://www.ets.org/gre/retestfaqs/</a>)</p>
<p>I had no idea that they did this, and I'm wondering if it is to my advantage to retake the Verbal section. I received a 650V/800Q/5.5AW, but according to the PowerPrep practices I should have received around a 700V. Is it to my advantage to retake? I know that my scores are great and that getting a higher verbal isn't going to do anything, but should I be concerned about the validity of this score due to the "more limited range of test questions" presented on my verbal section? Has anyone else encountered this? Thanks!</p>