<p>My friend who got into Stanford might not go there if they get into one of the better universities on the east coast. Also my other friend might chose Washington instead of Stanford. So, that's two possible spots open right there! Good luck..</p>
<p>Unfortunately, that’s not news to anybody, so it can’t be good news or bad news. Stanford admissions knows from experience that x% of its EA acceptees will choose to go elsewhere. That may vary by a couple of percentage points from year to year, but the variation tends to be surprisingly small. If everyone accepted EA wound up enrolling at Stanford, that would mean that the number of EA acceptances would have to be cut waaaay back.</p>
<p>So the fact that this student or that student is choosing to enroll in another college doesn’t open up any additional spaces at Stanford at all. At least not until a whole bunch of them do it, more than anyone could have anticipated back in November. And that wouldn’t be known until May, when it will be too late to mean anything for most RD applicants. It could get a couple of people in off the waitlist, however.</p>
<p>Out of curiosity, does anyone know exactly what that percentage was for last year?</p>
<p>^I heard last year the SCEA yield was 80% or higher, not sure though, but that seems about right. The total yield was about 71% so the early yield has to be higher.</p>