<p>I was rejected by all my top choices, Princeton, Stanford and MIT and waitlisted at Cornell and Harvey Mudd. Yet I had really good stats. 2360 on the SAT (760 on writing), 800s on all three SATIIs that I took.</p>
<p>MY GPA is 3.5 UW, but I have taken all of the hardest classes at my school, and GPAs at my school are lower than most, the highest is around a 3.8 or so.</p>
<p>My extracurriculars are also really good. I started a Science team at my school sophomore year, and we were able to go on to a national competition last year. I have been involved in Math club, computer club, ski team and done about 80 hours of community service.</p>
<p>I thought I had a good shot at getting into at least one of my top choices, especially Stanford, given I had double legacy there.</p>
<p>Looking back, I think that my first semester senior grades may have hurt me. I had a lot going on last fall in terms of family life, and other issues that distracted me from my school work.</p>
<p>I also think that one of my teacher recomendations wasn't very good. It wasn't bad. A lot of teachers see me as super smart and exceptional, and I guess he sees me as more average. I needed a great recomendation to make up for my only pretty good academic record, but I picked the wrong teacher to give it.</p>
<p>I'm trying to decide if I should go to Brown and try to transfer to Stanford, or if I should defer a year and apply again. If I did that, I would apply early decision to Princeton. I would have better teacher recomendations, and my second semester senior grades are up significantly from first semester.</p>
<p>Any advice would be most appreciated.</p>