Greek Rush this January - info please

My son is going to rush this January. I read that only 45% are accepted in Spring Rush and noticed that it’s in the evenings at the end of the month while school is in session. Are fraternities serious about finding people or are they just seeing what’s out there? Are all fraternities involved in Spring Rush?

Which ones are on probation?

Do they all haze?

What do the rushees wear? Polo shirts each day? Button-down shirts? Khaki’s? Jeans? Suits?

What can be expected?

Thanks so much for any feedback!

A couple of points , I hope they are somewhat helpful:- Rush is more informal in the spring, fall is much more structured, someone can even just go check out one fraternity in which they are most interested. I think it kicks off jan 25th and ends Jan 31, so yes during the third week of classes, not all fraternities take part in spring rush. Most if not all the fraternities that take part are very keen to identify potential new members, most will take a few rushies some of the larger fraternity will take as many as 2 dozen. As to probation I think you will find most if not all have been on somekind of probation over the past few years, UofA is getting far more strict, I would not let this determine which fraternity to show interest in, its just part of the process to be aware of. as to hazing UofA are very strict, any nonsense that the IFC or others become aware of will result in strict prob, they dont want that and so my impression is that most greek life now do not haze, test yes, but haze no, I may be wrong but thats my impression… Yes is business casual, no jean, no need for suits, smart casual will suffice. Expect to be asked lost of Q’s and for you to ask alot of questions of the men, observe how they act and more to the point WILL YOU fit in? Rush in January is more casual shorter and less intense than the fall, good luck . Greek life is VERY influencial at UofA and most fraternities are very good, some just better than others.

Thank you for your feedback, Englishman. I’m guessing “business casual” is button down shirts and khaki pants?

I don’t care which he choses, as long as he feels he fits in with the guys. My son isn’t a huge drinker/smoker so he won’t want to go to the “top” fraternities, which equates with “best parties.” He’s more interested in brotherhood and social life.
