<p>Did anyone else go today, or to any other one?</p>
<p>I thought it was pretty cool, but I didn't like the dorms...</p>
<p>Did anyone else go today, or to any other one?</p>
<p>I thought it was pretty cool, but I didn't like the dorms...</p>
<p>What is it about ( green carpet day)?</p>
<p>i agree, i thought the program overall was very cool and informative, but the dorms were definetly not the best i’ve seen to say the least :/</p>
<p>It was a program that explained the honors college, and you got to sit through two college presentations. I went to College of Natural Science and Engineering.</p>
<p>Which dorms did they show you?</p>
<p>I think is was Mcdonnel (sp)?</p>
<p>Wow really?</p>
<p>McDonald Hall is a non-freshmen hall, returning students only. I’m not sure, though I think it may be one of the newest and most diserable halls… not that sure.</p>
<p>Freshmen can live in McDonel, it’s just uncommon. It’s mostly for transfer and international students. It’s not really all that desirable either. It’s not the newest, all of the South and East Complex dorms were built in the 1960s.</p>
<p>It’s too bad they showed you McDonel, there are nicer dorms at MSU. The older dorms (Snyder-Philips, Mason-Abbott, Yakeley, Landon, Mayo, etc.) are really cool buildings. The South Complex dorms aren’t bad either.</p>
<p>^ Yeah, I figured that. I haven’t even visited any other colleges yet so I have nothing to compare to.</p>