Grinnell College Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Presumably central time zone since that’s where Grinnell is located. Good luck, everyone (whether tomorrow or later)

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Thanks! Good luck to you as well. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.


Anyone heard anything? Nothing here.

I believe it’s 4pm CT

Decisions are out!


If you share your acceptance status, if you don’t mind sharing your stats. My daughter is applying for next year and I’m trying to get a sense of how likely acceptance is for her. Thanks!!

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Was not expecting a decision today!

I got in with the Founders’ Scholarship worth $28,000 a year. I honestly didn’t think I would get in, so this is a huge surprise!

My stats are a ~3.85? UW GPA, 1470 SAT (760 RW 710 M), co-captain of robotics team, president of 3 clubs (computer hardware, community service, and affinity coding), vice captain of debate team, internship in IT/web development, research in VR, dormitory prefect, judicial board representative, school acting/writing a play for school festival/helping run school theater festival, and MIT MOSTEC.


Wow!! Impressive stats. Congratulations!!

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Thanks so much!

got waitlisted :frowning:

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My S was waitlisted. Not terribly surprised because he did not show any interest (had not visited, interviewed or attended virtual events – although he did the additional “Why Grinnell?” essay). Grinnell was a very last minute add to his list, after visiting a different small town LAC and really liking it.

Good luck to everyone, and congrats to those accepted!


My D was waitlisted. GPA 3.94 and ACT 34. Unique ECs outside of school. Interviewed and visited twice.

Pretty disappointed as Grinnell was a top choice. Good luck to everyone else!

Same here, though DD did not even bother with that essay. She had gotten a fee waiver and thought ‘Eh, why not’.

In that sense it is amazing it was not a flat out rejection, LOL.

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Great numbers! Must’ve been a competitive group.

Accepted with 31k a year. Stats: 3.9 UW; 4.7 W; 1570 SAT. Wrote essay and interviewed but no other demonstrated interest. Thrilled. Congratulations to others!



WAITLISTED. Interview but no essay (I was not aware of essay??)

#1 HS in the state. Unweighted GPA 3.85 (mostly honors and AP courses), ACT 29. Took 2021-2022 gap year for music conservatory prep. Exceptional violinist. Pursued music performance degree; senior year as per conservatory path: reduced course load to bare minimum to allow practice 3+ hours/day at school. Taught by 1st violinist at an internationally renown orchestra - she assured us he would go to a top conservatory.

THEN, changed course during gap year and applied to LAC’s instead! (ugh) Submitted music portfolio. Passionate with multiple unusual & eclectic interest areas (VERY ‘spikey’ kid). Exceptional letters of rec.

Three other schools who have accepted/waitlisted him have offered $20,000-$30,000 Merit and Music scholarships. No rejections…yet :crossed_fingers:t3:


My D was accepted with 31k Founder’s merit. Stats are 3.97 uw 4.7 weighted. 1/654 in class. 1470 SAT. Lots of leadership. Did a virtual event, no interview, did why Grinnell essay. We live in AZ and she attends a public HS. We’re thrilled!! Congrats and good luck to all!


For better perspective than our few anecdotes I would suggest asking HS counselor if Naviance is available to your daughter. Also consider using College Vine’s simulator, but type in additional information beyond GPA and test scores. For what it is worth, here go our stats:
Accepted - 4.0 UW GPA, 36 ACT, no ranking, took 10+ AP courses, marching band member 5 yrs, section lead 1 yr (Marching band is largest extracurricular in our public HS with ~100 of ~450 HS students participating), 1st board in chess team, member of Academic Team and Latin Club, JV soccer starter 2 years, toured school and interviewed, loved academic focus and small size as they mirrored HS experience. Bilingual.

Best of luck to your daughter! Please reach out privately if you have other questions.


Also waitlisted with a music supplement :notes: 36/1570/3.89/4.73, heavy ECs. Nice kid, conveyed as such.

He could have contributed @ Grinnell- and many, many other places as a stem focused kid. It’s super hard for SLACs to pick a small number of STEM kids who can thrive in their LAC environments, compared to the opportunities elsewhere.

For future applicants- if you want Grinnell- apply ED or ED2, get your 10K, show your FIT, your interest, your love and enjoy. A RD applicant will be limited in many ways due to Grinnell’s tiny size :slight_smile: