Grinnell College Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

No app fee for anyone btw. Sounds a bit like sour grapes.

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got waitlisted ughh

Oh no, truly no sour grapes. DD got into UVA and is now only waiting on W&M.

I am happy for any kid who really had Grinnell as their dream college and got in.


I got waitlisted. You can find my stats in my other posts. The trend I’m seeing, for myself, is the schools I worked HARD for and showed a lot of interest in, I’m getting. If I was given a fee waiver
and therefore I tossed in the application with only half my heart in it, then they seem to be able to see that. So my advice is to limit the number of schools you apply to so that you have time to focus and polish a few. (And obviously make sure some are safeties!) There’s just not a lot of time to pump out great essays to a ton of schools and expect them to all come back as acceptance. (At least it didn’t in my case). Focus on your favorites and hopefully they see how much you want it. Good luck! It’s a crazy ride!


Son got waitlisted. Did the interview, “Why Grinnell?” essay, music supplement.
3.8 UW GPA, 1550 SAT, all state/ all eastern French horn player, cs major, nice kid who teaches kids how to fold origami at a summer arts camp.

Is there any way to get off the waitlist? Or do we just cross our fingers really hard for Carleton?

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Grinnell’s Common Data Set is old (2017), but that year, they admitted roughly 100 kids out of approx 400 who accepted spots
on waitlist. A 25% chance seems worthwhile if your son still loves Grinnell. Just make sure he enrolls somewhere else if you’re willing to shift gears over the summer!

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Has anyone found the 2021 Common Data Set for Grinnell (2017 is the last year I can find on the Grinnell’s website)? Curious about waitlist info… According to only 17 kids were admitted off the waitlist last year (1779 offered waitlist, 847 accepted waitlist spot)? I was hoping to confirm on the actual CDS, but can’t find it…

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Here’s a link to NCES (National Center for Education Statistics). Their data is more up to date than Grinnell’s website.

Son admitted with $30k scholarship per year. 4.0 UW/36 ACT/1580 SAT/7 APs/NMF. Math major with many math-related ECs. Also an Irish dancer for the past 10 years. Visited Grinnell last summer and met with math professor. Attended college visit at his high school last fall. Also did an online interview with his AO. Updated AO about new accomplishments after application was in. Did Why Grinnell essay right away, and it was heartfelt because he really likes it there.


My S22 was happy and surprised to be accepted with a 30k per year Founders scholarship. He applied last minute at the recommendation of a family friend. 4.0UW/1480 SAT/IB diploma candidate at a public HS in the PNW. Interested in CompSci major. Some ECs related to major and one varsity sport. Attended one online event and wrote the Why Grinnell essay. He’s looking forward to going to one of the admitted students days to visit.


This is for 2021-2022.

28 were off the waitlist out of 1286. Yikes.


accepted w 30k founders scholarship! 1530 sat, 3.9 uw, lots of leadership and whatever. did the interview and the why grinnell essay. also applied by dec 1 lol


I suspect that last year’s acceptance numbers from the waitlist may have been especially low because of all of the Covid-related deferrals from the previous year. So if you’re waitlisted and want to attend Grinnell, then you should definitely follow up. Good luck!

A few days late, but I was accepted with a Founders’ Scholarship valued at 32k/year! 34 ACT, 3.9/4.8 UW/W GPA, applied and accepted for Sociology. Mostly poli sci related ECs with 3-4 leadership positions. Low-income from a large, subpar public high school. I did the optional Why Grinnell essay but did not interview (though I went to a few virtual info sessions). Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:


We are in the same boat. Waitlisted at Grinnell, really hoping for Carleton, but thought Carleton would be the harder of the two. Didn’t visit Carleton, but showed interest in other ways to both schools. Wondering if waitlist will move.

Yeah, I’m not sure there’s a rhyme or reason to why a student gets in one place and waitlisted or turned down at another! Some of these schools are so small, it really feels like a roll of the die!


From Grinnell’s Common Data Set from 2021: 1779 were waitlisted. 837 accepted a spot on the waitlist and 17 were enrolled off the waitlist. But we don’t know how many were offered enrollment out of those 847.

Also freshmen enrollment was 365 students; 150 of those were ED acceptances. So basically almost 1/2 the class was from the early decision pool.


Daughter heard last week that she got in RA with Founders Scholarship (26K). Sooo excited because we did not know how she would fare Regular Decision! She had great stats but probably pretty average for Grinnell. 4.0 UW. 32 ACT. Top 5% of her class. Rigorous curriculum- many AP’s. Theater and choir were her things, but she also did a fair bit of community service (teaching, summer camp type stuff) and got selected to do research at our medical school alongside PhD and medical students. Leader in drama club. Solid stuff but not winning Regeneron or anything. She did visit campus and did an interview last summer. Good luck!


Does anyone know anything about Grinnell’s 3-2 program for engineering?

While I don’t know much about the specifics of Grinnell’s program, other than what’s on their website (which is pretty specific about the requirements), I did have a friend at Georgia Tech who did this with Furman. He received a physics degree from Furman and a civil engineering degree from Georgia Tech. It took him five years, but it take a lot of engineering students five years. I think I would have done a lot better in my math classes if I had been able to take them at a smaller school like Grinnell. I see some amazing opportunities in this combination.