Grinnell College Regular Decision Fall 2022 - "Likely Letter" or "Early Write" Info

I am starting this thread in order to help all Grinnell Fall 2022 RD applicants & their parents, as well as future RD applicants & parents, reduce their stress during this stressful time of the year by gaining more clarity about when Likely Letters or Early Writes have been sent.

If you received a Likely Letter or Early Write letter can you please post the following?

Date received:

Type of letter: (likely or early write)

Mode of letter: (postal or email)

Is the merit aid award mentioned: (Y/N)

Is the financial aid award mentioned:

Did it invite you to an admitted students activity?:

If so, what is the of the activity, will it be remote or in-person, and it the topic “admitted student” activity or does it have a more narrow topic (STEM, First Generation, others)?:

Date when you submitted the application:

Somehow, I think the existence of this thread will only exacerbate the stress. So I will just say that the vast majority of accepted applicants will not receive a Likely Letter.


My D22 applied to Grinell RD. Is a “likely letter” or “early write” something that Grinnell typically does? Thanks

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Yes, it is something Grinnell seems to do. Like skieurope mentioned, very few students receive them. From the various articles I have read, it seems to be 10-25% of accepted students depending on the school.

By placing our experience in this thread would should help future parents know more, instead of having them have to rely on posts that are many years old and happened before COVID-19.

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I will politely disagree with this and side with Ski in all these threads. Honestly it feels like it is just stirring the pot and giving kids another thing to stress about. I don’t see how knowing that someone receive a likely letter and you didn’t helps in the college process or is relevant to one’s decision process. Nor does it have anything to do with COVID.


My D did not get a likely letter from Grinnell in 2020 and she ended up being accepted with a nice merit award. She didn’t end up at Grinnell in part because she hadn’t visited and since admitted student days were canceled bc of COVID, she felt more comfortable attending a school that had visited and was within driving distance of our home in NYC.

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