Williams College Regular Decision Fall 2022 - "Likely Letter" or "Early Write" Info

I am starting this thread in order to help all Williams College Fall 2022 RD applicants & their parents, as well as future RD applicants & parents, reduce their stress during this stressful time of the year by gaining more clarity about when Likely Letters or Early Writes have been sent.

If you received a Likely Letter or Early Write letter can you please post the following?

Date received:

Type of letter: (likely or early write)

Mode of letter: (postal or email)

Is the merit aid award mentioned: (Y/N)

Is the financial aid award mentioned: (Y/N)

Did it invite you to an admitted students activity?: (Y/N)

If so, what is the of the activity, will it be remote or in-person, and it the topic “admitted student” activity or does it have a more narrow topic (STEM, First Generation, others)?:

Date when the RD, or ED if there was a deferral, application was submitted:

Somehow, I think the existence of this thread will only exacerbate the stress. So I will just say that the vast majority of accepted applicants will not receive a Likely Letter.


Now we’re supposed to be on the look-out for this Likely-Letter that would likely never arrive?


(crawling back into hole and not holding our breaths)


Does anyone know if it is correct that Williams will not send an early write if more than one student is applying from the same high school?

Many thanks in advance.

What is an Early Write letter?

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An “early write” is an official acceptance letter that arrives earlier than the usual deadline. They can arrive 3-6 weeks early depending on the college. That compares to a “likely letter” which is a letter that tells the applicant they are likely to hear good news in a few weeks.

Although one is an offer of admission and the other is a preview to an offer, both are used to keep candidates the university wants to recruit feeling positive, happy thoughts about attending the university.


Thanks, I’ve never heard of an Early Write letter. I wonder how many people get those and what demographics. With so many applicants I can only image that only the top of the top or athletes get those.

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Wait a sec. Likely letters for non-athletic recruited candidates during RD when half of the admissions slots are gone during ED? THAT is some special sauce for that kid. Love to hear the story and stats.

NESCAC schools can’t send likely letters. They can do early writes, Amherst does. But, I’ve not heard of Williams doing early writes (but of course that doesn’t mean they don’t).

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