Grinnell Softball Team?

<p>Anybody got any information about the Grinnell softball team? The team appears to be unusually small and to win very few games. Some seasons it doesn't win any games at all. Outside of New England, liberal arts colleges with excellent academic reputations sometimes struggle to put together successful softball teams, but even schools like Carleton, Macalester, Kenyon and Oberlin seem to win a few games each season. Is Grinnell less serious about softball? Do the Grinnell players have the same level of high school softball experience as the players at those other schools? Is Grinnell's conference harder? Thanks.</p>

<p>I heard a rumor that Grinnell’s softball team includes some players who did not play the sport in high school. Is that true?</p>

<p>I asked around a little but because I know a few players on the softball team. Keep in mind that I actually know nothing about sports. Apparently Grinnell’s team was decimated in size last year. This year, there are only four players from last year’s team and there are ten players in all. So I wouldn’t judge them on past wins, they say they want to turn that around. The players this year that I’ve talked to have been recruited so they must have played in high school. They have an international student on their team who wasn’t recruited but she’s played before too. Contact the coach though because I just got that information through rumors. </p>