<p>Hi guys,
I have a question for those who have Gruber's "Complete preparation for the New SAT". I took the first practice test this morning and i was a little disappointed. Is the Critical Reading so tough as on the real thing???
<p>Yes it is tough. CR is by far the toughest. You have to develop different strategies for it. Good luck!</p>
<p>so, my results on the CR part of Gruber's practice tests will be approximately the same ?? is that correct ?</p>
<p>Yes.... it will.</p>
<p>other opinions :)</p>
<p>Don't use Gruber's for practice tests. Only use Real tests from College Board. Gruber's is probably a bit harder, and the patterns are not the same as those of real tests.</p>
<p>I bought Grubers and I was OVERWHELMED</p>
<p>The vocab quizzes are excellent, because it tests you not only on the primary use of words, but also seconday, more cryptic meanings of "ordinary" words.</p>
<p>Very thorough math. go over any parts that u are not sure about. </p>
<p>Otherwise, don't use grubers for practice.</p>