I’m assuming that there’s more than 2 LGBTQ+ regular High School Life posters on here. Let’s get together!
If you’re going to post about how “we need Jesus” or how “you disagree with our choices” then please see yourself out. This is intended as a support community.
Anyway, I’m Polyglot. I’m asexual biromantic. Every time somebody sarcastically says, “So your choices allow you to lop off an arm and grow another Polyglot?” I die a little bit on the inside. I’m a cis female and my preferred pronouns are she/her. I’m part of my school’s GSA and we are a wonderful little gay group. I came out to 3 people today and one of them didn’t care, one of them (my crush) didn’t take the hint, and the third found it completely normal, considering that she’s bi and we were talking to our gay friend. I abbreviate my orientation to gay* when writing, and I don’t write coherently in any capacity.
Yeah, so we can talk about whatever, really. Please no swearing, sex jokes, or invalidation of others.
The GSA at my school is amazing, it’s got a teacher who lets us do as we want and lets the leaders run it as they please. It’s my favorite part of the week.
Can you explain what asexual biromantic is because I have no idea what that means
Edit: nvm urban dictionary
@LordBendtner “Yeah, you have a nice face and a great personality, but I’m not turned on.” Basically.
My GSA is super chill. It’s not even really a GSA, more of a LGBT-themed discussion club. We pretty much choose a discussion topic every week and talk about it.
The main function of mine is the group chat. When we actually meet it’s really awkward.
@awesomepolyglot Something to help with the awkwardness is having presentations and set plans. My group had a led discussion about coming out on coming out day. Also there are some ted talk videos on LGBTQ topics, like there is a funny one about the “gay agenda” somewhere on TED.com
We can only meet for about 20 minutes in the morning, though, so it’s difficult to get much done. However, on Thursday, we’re probably making coloring books as a fundraiser 
Also, something that’s being discussed on the Class of 2019 chat: Do you guys find the term “queer” offensive?
In middle school I would call everyone (mostly my friends) that term but at the time I didn’t know the meaning of the word.
I don’t think so. I personally identify as Queer right now. But since some people do find it offensive I try not to use it until I know how they feel.
I asked my lesbian friend, my pans friend, my bi friend, and my ace friend, and only one of them said they found it offensive in most contexts.
Personally I self identify as queer because it’s much easier than explaining the entirety of my sexual and romantic preferences. I also find it a pretty useful catchall for describing the entire LGBTQIA+ community’s issues as queer issues or describing spaces like GSA as a queer space.
I don’t like to use my labels but if I did I guess I’d say I’m gay. I only realized I was gay two years ago during freshman year, it was when Tom Daley came out. I read an article about his coming out video and his quote about how he had never been happier since he came out really hit me, and it made me realize how happy I would be if I accepted myself as gay.
I’m not in my school’s GSA, though I did attend one of their meetings during the Day of Silence.
I consider myself Heterosexual but have striven throughout my life to see equality of treatment and (to the extent possible) equality of perception for the LGBTQ+ community achieved. My best wishes to all of you.
Thanks @SirPepsi for your kind words. And also for including the +.
Just curious, as a fellow polyglot-in-the-making, which languages do you speak?
It’s more of an old username from another site that I used when I was really into foreign languages. I’ve studied English, Spanish, German, Latin, Japanese, ASL, and Ainu. I suck at all of them except for German and English, lol.
Oh, haha. I’ve studied English, Spanish, French, German, and Russian. The only three I’m competent in are English, French, and Spanish lol.
I speak Tagalog and English. At school I’m currently studying Japanese. I’m thinking of taking AP Japanese next year when I’m a senior, but I’m not sure yet. If I have to take a language in college I’ll probably take either Russian or Chinese.