
<p>I applied to Northeastern University, specifically to the College of Business Administration. I received an email saying I was accepted to the College of Arts and Sciences' General Studies Program. So I was confused. I investigated and saw that this is a full year program for freshmen and if you meet the requirements you can apply to the college of your choice at the end of the year. My question is, is it worth it? Has it happened to any of you or do you know about it happening to anyone? What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>Not quite at applying time yet, and I can’t say I’m all too familiar with how that works. So it’s a program for a full year if you attend out of high school and then you do your final 3 years in other colleges of the university?</p>

<p>It seems a bit confusing to me as well. I’d personally think that contacting the school would be a good idea. Just coll them up and as for an admissions counselor or see if there’s more elaboration online.</p>

<p>Of course someone here may know as well.</p>

<p>Yeah, if you complete the requirements for your freshman year under GSP you can choose the college of your preference. But the thing is, will enrolling under the GSP program for a year make me lag behinds my future classmates at the business school? Even though the first year you don’t really have much option for your schedule as you have to take many required courses.</p>

<p>You will not lag behind other students in your chosen major; this is a special program to provide a more structured learning environment during the first year for selected students and you would still take requirements for your chosen major. You might want to take a look at the program description on their website.</p>

<p>[Why</a> GSP?](<a href=“]Why”></p>

<p>Thanks… Yeah I have looked at the links and explored what they had to say about the GSP program, but I just wanted to hear what you guys thought about it.</p>

<p>GSP is a school’s way of saying we want you but we don’t think you’re quite ready to get thrown into the thick of things. They want a year to work on your basic skills. This is often a good thing and you’ll probably end up doing much better in college because of it.</p>

<p>If Northeastern saw some weakness in your preparation for college you have to ask yourself (or them) why, because you really do want to address those things to do well going forward.</p>