Guaranteed Admissions?

University of Oklahoma currently offers guaranteed admissions to their nursing program if pre-requisites are obtained with a minimal GPA. Any suggested similar programs? Looking to expand our list of direct admissions nursing programs. Many thanks!

Can you please clarify? I am not sure if you mean direct admit coming out of HS (based on your HS application) or guaranteed admit if you are accepted to the college and meet the gpa requirement once you take the prerequisites.

Guaranteed admit once accepted and meet certain GPA.

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I can’t find any, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I am finding colleges with guaranteed transfer admissions to a BSN from a community college (ex University of Mary Washington).

Seems like UofOk is a special case that recently decided to just accept all qualified applicants even though it didn’t have the room. That’s not normal at all. It was a 20% acceptance rate before that. There’s plenty of direct admission from high school programs that allow you to stay in the nursing program so long as you keep a certain GPA in all your classes. That’s the safer bet. It’s a little too early for my comfort to know the outcome of the surge in students from OK. It’ll be interesting to see what their pass rate will be on their boards.

Thanks for the information! Yes it will be interesting to see the pass rate and the graduation rate.

OU’s admission to the nursing major for pre-nursing students is described at Traditional BSN . It does not specifically say that admission is guaranteed if one meets the specified course work and GPA requirements.

Guaranteed admission to nursing from pre-nursing when meeting pre-announced course work and GPA requirements is functionally the same as direct admission to nursing but with a weed-out based on the same GPA.


When looking for specifics about OU nursing I found an article talking about how OU wants to graduate more nurses and accepted all 500+ who were qualified who applied. 400+ of them accepted their spots. It’s very unusual and don’t trust they will be as successful as I would want for my student. I’m working with new nurses who were pandemic nursing students that graduated with a less than stellar training program and it shows. They are catching up but there’s huge holes in their understanding. Would there even be enough clinical spots for 400+ nurses in Oklahoma?

OU renews pledge to take 'all qualified applicants' for nursing program next year.

I have read that there are multiple campuses for the OU nursing program. If you are accepted after 2 years of prerequisites, you are assigned a campus which would be hard for many to uproot.