
Does anyone have any information about Ohio State nursing program? My daughter wants to go there but it is not direct admit. Does anyone have experience with the process and how hard it is to get in? Worried she loves the school but if she doesn’t get in after being there for a year , what do you do? I heard you need a 3.8 to get in, and I think that is very hard to achieve freshman year and very stressful.

My daughter has chosen a direct admit school (Cincinnati), but I learned a bit about non-direct during this journey. This applies in general to NDA schools, and likely to OSU. It’s a little murky for OSU from what I’ve read - maybe it’s only direct admit for those accepted into the honors program?

At some of the non-direct schools we researched, you are prioritized by GPA and then by science GPA. Only the top x percent move on and that could be a moving target based on the number of people in the class. A cousin at Kent State had a 3.6 but that year she needed a 3.7 - she moved on the next semester, but it was stressful for her. Some programs require a letter of recommendation (that’s probably a formality, but there is some paperwork even if it’s just a little).

When we toured Xavier I asked the dean of nursing what she thought of direct v nondirect (X is direct). She said she preferred direct admit because it is more collaborative than competitive. Everyone helps everyone because you are already in the program, and not competing against everyone else for a spot.

I would be curious about final ruling on OSU - the other thread implied there was perhaps a change.

I called there is no change. According to Ohio State at least a 3.7 to move on. You bring up great points about it being more collaborative than competitive.

If you have good direct entry choices, I would pick one over a highly competitive 2-2 program. You still need to keep a certain GPA to stay in a 4 year nursing program, but that GPA is often much lower (such as 3.0) than the 3.7 or 3.8 that you often need to make it into a competitive 2-2 program. It will make college much less stressful, if you are really committed to want to be a RN. If you have friends at Ohio State, you can go visit them on some weekends and enjoy the fun without the stress.

^^^ Absolutely.

Another cousin (I have a million of them, lol) explained it this way: It’s harder to get into a direct admit program, but easier to stay there.

Hi @love3kids hello
a pre-nursing program will probably add a lot more stress to your D’s school life than you wanted. And headache, and worry. With a 2+2 Program, your D have to apply to other nursing programs ( other colleges ) during the 2nd year & if another program accept her, she will need to transfer to another college. If that is okay with you & your D.

But a college with a pre-nursing program does have its " positive " side :
especially if a student is uncertain or not sure if nursing is the right choice for her, she can take all the pre-req nursing classes & still be able to either apply for the nursing major in her 2nd year ( or whenever that particular college needed their students to apply ) or
choose to major in something else at that point.

Other than that, I would really look into other direct admit nursing programs that are within your price range ( cost of attendance - don’t forget the extra nursing lab fees / other related fees ), in the area ( or states ) that you & your D prefer, & look at how competitie those programs are.
Some are slightly less competitve to get in, some may offer a smaller class size / smaller program, some may be very very very competitve with low admission rate, some may have a slightly larger nursing class size, some are more religious while some are not. Just depends on what you & your D are looking for.

If your D really like Ohio State & I have no knowledge of OH, please forgive me, just be sure to ask them
out of all the admitted nursing students, aprx how many are honors students…in another word, do honors students have a higher chance of getting in ??? because honor students have to maintain a higher overall GPA at the college.
Do they offer some kind of “guarantee admission” for high school students…if they do, that will be great.

Good Luck!

( I have 2 D, both in nursing )

sorry for any typos

Thank you , she got into Delaware and Binghamton both direct admit. Thank you for your input , all very helpful