<p>I just bought BARRON'S SAT MATHBOOK. Was this a wise choice. Is Barron's the best for SAT math, or is there a better prep book for SAT math.</p>
<p>I just bought BARRON'S SAT MATHBOOK. Was this a wise choice. Is Barron's the best for SAT math, or is there a better prep book for SAT math.</p>
<p>Uhh, if you're scoring 2390s, barron's won't help you.</p>
<p>If you are scoring more than 2000's, no book can help you.</p>
<p>what if i want to raise my math score from like 650 to 700+ or 750+? will barron's help me? or is there a better math book to get</p>
<p>Well, your stats profile says you have a 790 math (2390 overall). So.....</p>
<p>Guys...if i take the ACT and opt to send those score to the colleges i'm aplying to, will my old SAT scores be included?</p>
<p>The ACT and the SAT are completely separate - the organizations that offer them are not connected in any way (that I know of). The ACT people do not have access to your SAT results and would NOT include them with ACT score results.</p>
<p>thank god.</p>
<p>but if you are sending in SATIIs...then those colleges will see your SATI --- not too much of a problem if you specify ACT.</p>
<p>I'm actually a transfer student so the schools i'm applying to don't require sat 2's..plus i didn't take them at all in high school. But I'm just glad the schools won't see my SAT record. They'll probably even think this is my first time taking a standardized test if i send them just my ACT score. no?</p>
<p>what does any of that have to do with barrons math workbook??????</p>
<p>you have a`2390...no book will help you--just keep practicing.</p>
<p>I'm guessing his stats profile numbers are not true?</p>
<p>yep. and he posted in the graduated seniors results thread i think. so if he already got into college why does he care about the sat?</p>