Guidance Counselor submit w/o my completed essay?? HELP!

<p>Hey guys! I have a very urgent question. My guidance counselor says that she cannot submit her part of the Common Application, such as her recommendation and my teacher's recommendations, until I have submitted my main Common Application essay, which is under the Writing section.</p>

<p>The problem is, is that my last day of school is tomorrow, the 23rd and my essay will not be done by then. I plan to submit everything on the 27th. I don't believe I can submit my incomplete essay and then resubmit a proper essay right? </p>

<p>Does my counselor not understand the website properly, or can she mail her parts in? What should I do? I emailed the Common App website, but they didn't fully understand my question. </p>



<p>you can for harvard</p>

<p>Well, I’m not applying there…</p>

<p>D’s counselor submitted the recs (shows they are submitted on the school forms page) and D hasn’t uploaded her essay yet. I’m not sure, but I think your counselor may be confused?</p>

<p>Thank you so much kbl. When I first got my guidance counselor she said “Yay! This is my first time doing college stuff too!” It was all downhill from there.</p>

<p>Okay, my guidance counselor is mailing the recs in so I can finish my essay. Thanks so much!</p>