<p>Is it true that the College Guidance offices at our high-schools already know which students got accepted/rejected? It's been the rumor around my school lately, and it's freaking people out.</p>
<p>i highly doubt it.</p>
<p>I doubt it cuz I would have hoped my counselor would have said something to me… My mom had a phone conversation with her today. And plus it kind of doesn’t make sense why they would? I dunno though. I really don’t want to have her call me out of class or something and just say oh hey you got rejected. Enjoy the rest of the day!</p>
<p>possible. Depending on your school, i know in mine they called like the third week of november to advocate on my behalf. They refuse to give me any feedback though. So maybe if you beg and plead lol.</p>
<p>I don’t think my counselor knows because she told me to email her or something once I get the result.</p>
<p>No, they don’t. My college counseling office sent out an email saying they only notify students, so please email CCO with what happens so they can sent out RD transcripts…</p>
<p>They don’t. I think some schools notify the admissions director in your area.</p>
<p>NO THEY DON’T - in any schools
they might notify them after they notify you, but not before
what would be the point of that, anyway?</p>
<p>Hell no they don’t. </p>
<p>My guidance counselor definitely would have told me. This dude is the boss.</p>
<p>stop being so literal lol. I heard my cc on the phone a while back. She wasnt
talking about a Penn candidate but even so she was able to get enough
information that the given student was at the time near the rejection pile for
the given institution</p>