Guide to getting a 2400 and 800s in 3 subject tests.

<p>@isk82 the trick is to tell a few people and let them do the dirty work by telling other people. it’smuch better to implicitly brag and yet appear to be modest.classic machiavelli principle.</p>

<p>I aim to please. But what is this “competency level”? </p>

<p>P.S. “Collegeboard” is not a compound word ;). It’s College Board. Do you really think that the makers of the SAT would make up a new word as you did with “anyways”? </p>



<p>That’s your friend…what about you?</p>

<p>You all realize that you’re fighting on a college advice site, and about standardized test scores, right?</p>

<p>gotta love college confidential <3</p>

I didn’t learn a single “mind-blowing” tip from here.
Return me the the time it took to read that! D:<</p>

<p>^lol I agree.</p>

<p>to think how many of these kids we’ll meet next year…</p>

<p>i wonder what percentage of 2300+ scorers are members of CC</p>

<p>the real question is: are there any 2400s not on CC?</p>

<p>goldring2012 - Or, if you’re like my school, you’ll have giant posters across every single hallway about any achievement a student/team has done, publish it on the school’s website, and publish it in the school’s magazine.</p>

<p>IceQube - You have to be competent to understand basic competency levels. You’ll know when you get there.</p>

<p>Language is constantly evolving. I’m the next Shakespeare.</p>

<p>cooldude987 - I got a 2290 bro. That’s offensive, you’re not PC enough to get into HYPSM.</p>

<p>Jess - Don’t you know standardized test scores are the only things that matter in college admissions?! Trust me, adcoms just tell you that they like your ECs because they want your 80 dollar application fee.</p>

<p>goldring2012: collegeconfidential = “Among the worst websites on the internet. A place to go where you can read about snotty geniuses who feel the need to brag in the ultimate attempt to make the “average high school student” feel pity on the themselves. An absolutely awful website that privileges and celebrates the Ivy League-Potential student, while completely forgetting about everyone else.” True story bro.</p>


<p>Confucian - To think of how many of these kids we don’t want to meet next year. Sedentary lifestyle bro, antisocialness is key.</p>

<p>goldring2012 - I wonder what % of CCers actually go to top schools. </p>

<p>Confucian - How many 4800 clubbers are on CC?</p>

<p>Judging by your inane ramblings, the College Board must have set the “competency level” at the 1th percentile for SAT scores. </p>



<p>Staying on the cutting edge of colloquial doesn’t help on the SAT ;). Nor is CC the place to flaunt your vernacular. </p>



<p>Oh, the irony of IceQube’s post…saying isk8live’s competency is at the “1th percentile”</p>

<p>IceQube - Your children’s children will be reading and studying my amazing vernacular alongside Huck Finn in their middle school English classes, their Junior year AP Language classes, and their undergraduate seminars. They’ll write dissertations analyzing my amazing vernacular style. Of course, I question the ability of your children’s children to write graduate level work since they come from a culture who speak of the “1th percentile.” But alas! There are always the Shadow Scholars.</p>

<p>Even with all those great accolades, you never know if he will contribute to society. Many
great scientists had very little resources but found a way to succeed. In real life things go beyond winning competitions but they can help.</p>

<p>as for the 2400’s, only a few kids manage to get that score without studying. Thats cause these kids are really talented.</p>

<p>isk82live… Actually that’s not true depending on the college. There are some out there that do not accept any standardized test scores. Plus, you can make perfect SAT scores and have a 4.0 GPA, with no EC’s; then there is no way you’re getting into a top college. I apologize, but your statement was full of ignorance.</p>

<p>joey - This Johnathan Li kid has clearly experienced the horrors of <em>start dramatic music</em> Asian parenting! </p>

<p>cooldude - You got a 2280, not a 2340. </p>

<p>eagles - Trust me, this kid will not contribute much to society. He wants to be a philosopher. His prospective careers include SAT tutor, college admissions officer, and the local hobo. It’s okay, he’s still really talented.</p>

<p>Jess - Let’s get some facts straight since you are clearly a CC noob with that mere 3 posts. 1) Your local community does not accept your standardized test scores because it has a 100% acceptance rate. 2) You’re naive enough to believe adcoms who tell you this. Adcoms only tell you these lies to make you feel better about your application so you’ll give them your application along with 80 bucks. Collegeboard will also tell you this so they can get 10 bucks when you have to send your scores to that college.</p>

<p>I will agree with you partially however. ECs such as clam farting and playing dominoes have a huge role in the admissions process.</p>

<p>New to CC, sure. But since when does amount of time on this site attest to one’s knowledge? My local community? To what are you referring. I do not mean community colleges. There are many liberal arts colleges, 4-year universities, etc. that do not require standardized test scores. And also, the fact that you looked at my screen name to figure out anything you could about me just shows how pathetic your attempt to ridicule me actually was.</p>

<p>^lol skate, u got burned.
U mad bro?</p>



<p>This is true. Bowdoin and Pitzer are two very good schools that come to mind that don’t require standardized test scores.</p>



<p>This is not (assuming I limit myself to 4-year American universities/LAC’s that aren’t completely unknown).</p>