<p>Is it good advice to use your gut feeling if you feel like you dont belong on a certain campus/college? Like when you are walking around, and your just not getting a good vibe...should you take this into consideration? or should you force yourself to go based on better academics...and hope it will get better</p>
<p>I think anyone will say go with your gut and definitely don't base your decision on "better academics."</p>
<p>Yeah, I would definitely suggest making gut decisions, though granted I didn't do many college visits but of the ones I made I generally knew right away whether or not I would be happy there, because just realize that this is the next four years of your life and then you'll realize you're making the best decision even if it's not the best academic wise.</p>
<p>Besides, there is no school that does not have equals academically. Look at them and maybe they will make you happier.</p>
<p>I found that a good strategy is using logic to narrow the field to about 3-7 schools, and then using your gut to make the final choice.</p>
<p>It's somewhat like picking a spouse...even if your gut tells you that the 4-times-divorced hottie with the 6-figure credit card debt and the revoked driver's license is your soulmate, it's good to have logic around so that she doesn't even make it to the final few. But that final choice is best made with the gut.</p>
<p>Use stats to narrow the list down, and the gut to pick between them</p>
<p>After all, how much of a college can you experienece in one day</p>
<p>Heres my problem with that, I've visited a bunch of schools, but I seem to have terrible visits on the last school I visit, if I visit more than one school on a trip. These schools (in particular Umich) make perfect sense for a slight safety and is a school I grew up worshiping, but maybe it was just another last school syndrome.</p>
<p>Go ahead and apply. If you're gut is just shouting at you that a particular school sucks, not a general thing about the size/environment, you may have just caught it/you on a bad day. For instance I hated William & Mary even though I had grown up worshipping it. I hated how the town was empty and touristy, and I hated how it felt so small it made me claustrophobic. Then there was the added feel that everyone was looking at me, etc.</p>
<p>I later visited Syracuse, and disliked it there, too. It lookd gloomy, felt small, just didn't get a good vibe. But I'm still applying there, because the "vibe" feeling wasn't based on logic, and it fit all of my other needs. </p>
<p>My suggestion is that if it logically makes perfect sense, waste the time on the app and when it comes down to final decisions, use your gut then.</p>