GW 2023 Early Decision 1

@GWU527 I did :slight_smile:

They tweeted again but no new info. “greetings to you both! We love your enthusiasm as you wait for our EDI decisions to roll out–we apologize in advance for the suspense. Keep an eye on our social media for real time updates and announcements! Hang in there!”

so like does that mean today HOLY we all got this I’d be so lucky to go to school with you all

what’s the twitter account?

GWadmissions I believe

I’m so nervous, I hope decisions are released tonight ?

awesome! hope you get in and we can meet!

Keeping you all in my thoughts. . . we got this!

@GWU527 yeah that’d be awesome! Fingers crossed!

So I just tried to log in to check, and it said OOPS, something went wrong, try again later. Is anyone else getting this??? I take it they are updating the portals!!

It’s letting me in still

It let me in

Ugh. Don’t know what it means. I checked it an hour ago and I could get in

4 more hours… I’m going bonkers. probably between 5-7pm est right?

That is a common error i get. You have to go back to the log in page click “Sign Out” in the top right and re login. I’ve been experiencing that since I submitted my application.

Ok thanks! Wishfully hoping the end was near. ?

@aaaahhhh4444 Don’t even know for sure if it’s coming out today

Just to clarify how many of your college counselors spoke to admissions reps and were told today?

I think it would be beneficial for us to get a better idea of exactly how much concrete evidence exists that suggests that we will hear today, so if you have any evidence please confirm it here ASAP. Thanks.

Not to stress anyone out even more but I talked to my college counselor and she said GW admissions told her they purposefully don’t give any notice to applicants or our counselors because they want to make it a surprise. She said it could be anywhere from today to Wednesday