GW 2023 Early Decision 1

@carlyyooo Not sure where they got those stats- Common Data Set for 2017-2018 says out of ED applicants (meaning ED 1 and ED 2), there were 1471 applicants and 802 were accepted, meaning an acceptance rate of 55%. Granted, this is for the class that started in fall 2017, not this past fall so it could have changed slightly, but it’ll be about 55% if I had to guess.

where on the portal will it give us our decision because my portal doesn’t have any notification bell or anything of that manner ?

did anyone else get a letter in the mail from them about their honors programs with a handwritten letter from a student? I got one yesterday.

based on a youtube video i watched on someone opening their decision last year, where it says ‘application submitted’ will then say ‘view update’ or something of that sort

I picture myself casually checking the portal and blatantly seeing my decision on the homepage

@balletkat But don’t unis typically take more from the ED1 pool over the ED2 pool? So, ED1 should have a significant advantage and be around 60%, right? Also, I remember one year that GW’s ED1 admission rate was around 70%. We won’t know the true percentage until the results come out but I think it has to be higher than 55%.

I keep checking the GW admission twitter and they haven’t even posted anything since 3 days. What? Like, shouldn’t we get a week or day notice on there BEFORE results come out? Or are they just going to come out with no warning?

They said they would post on twitter but I just want them to release a date

@akim1957 Being deferred does not automatically mean you get in even if you keep up with your grades until the end of the year. Deference is there to balance out the rejections and acceptances, meaning it doesn’t really guarantee an acceptance. It’s there as a safety net. If they didn’t make the numbers they wanted for the new class by the end of the admission season, then they start being pulled from the deferred list. It’s like being waitlisted, doesn’t mean you will get in even if you maintain straight As unfortunately.

I honestly feel like I should go into hibernation for ten days. I can’t take this, and I’m not confident in getting in either.

Ah. If you go to Niche, it says that GW’s ED acceptance rate is 62%, so that’s where the other user got their stats from I think.

No, being deferred just means that they postponed making a decision on your application. College admission officers will review your application again along with the others in the regular decision pool.

Sometimes people are deferred because an admission committee wants to see an applicants semester one grades. Some are deferred because a college didn’t wanna say no to someone who was qualified but wasn’t as qualified as the other ED/EA applicants.

Yeah, it is sort of like being waitlisted but not really. People who are deferred have a better shot at getting in than people who were waitlisted, and keeping your grades up is one of those ways that applicants can increase their chances of getting in.

did anyone apply ED to the school of media and public affairs?

@BL3001 I did!

happy early birthday @gabby1217 hope it goes well for you!! my birthdays at the end of march so regular decisions will probably come out on my bday… hopefully neither of us will do any regular applications

Did anyone apply for the engineering program?

I wonder if we will get emails from GW Admissions saying that our decisions will be ready at ____ P.M.

Did anyone apply to Politics and Values?

I hope they come out today my dreams are getting wild preparing me for rejection

if you’re reading this take a biiiiiig deep breath. we’re gonna be ok