GW 2023 Early Decision 1

the wait is killing me hahaha

it originally said mid december and now changed to late

ugh ya they are probably pushing back the date because it said mid december before ahh

my anxiety is through the roof. it’s so close now that i’m finding it hard to distract myself lol

GW Admissions responded to a tweet saying it will be later this month, and promised it will be soon. I’m not hopeful it will be this week ?

They might release the 19th but not sure (that’s what seems to be going around)

I’m pretty sure they’ll release it sometime before the 20th, as that’s the beginning of winter break. However, I doubt anyone outside of the admissions board knows the details, so I wouldn’t put too much weight on any specific time frame that you’ve heard. In all likelihood, it will be sometime within the next week or so. In any case, all we can do is stay patient and check every day. Although I must admit, the suspense is killing me.

That doesn’t exactly calm me down though. ?
With only a couple of days left this week, that means it’s imminent. ?

What specifically did they say?

Yes, what did they say and was it an admissions person you spoke to?

I heard from a source that they were aiming for next Monday.

A few months ago it said “mid,” so when it changed to “late,” I had a MINI anxiety attack. I just hope we know sooner than later!!!

Also heard that

I’m just curious- How do people have these sources and are they reliable? If an AO on the phone said it’s within the next 2-3 days that’s what I’m more likely to believe but honestly none of us can be totally sure

You’re right, but one can hope. We have all been anticipating the decisions and have been pining for our acceptances. After all, we all applied ED - GW IS our #1. We are honestly just going to have to wait and see :smiley:

literally bugging. I cant even sleep like I need to know. its annoying that they dont give us a date or time like for all I know I could hear back tomorrow or in a week. from a source I heard monday aka college counselor but like I dont know how much she knows. also last year it came out on the 14th which was a thursday so part of me thinks its low-key could be tomorrow.

my school’s college counselor said that GW was going to be releasing decisions on Monday the 17th (he had called and asked) but like I don’t even know what to think anymore because I’ve been hearing so many different things!


Just curious is anyone else an international student?

Does anyone know think they’d send it out over the weekend??