GW 2023 Early Decision 1

i’m mcfreakin losing it you guys. this thread calms me a little bc we’re all going through the same thing but i just need them to release results so we can all collectively lower our heart rates. if your reading this take a biiiiig deep breath we’re all gonna be ok. sounds like we’re gonna hear back between the 13th-20th so all we can do going forward is breathe. and obsessively check our emails, GW admissions twitter, and the portal. and also breathe.


I know some schools are sending decisions this Saturday but idk if gw will

@adesigirl123 I’m an international student, but as a US citizen I have to apply as a US student.

@gwu4223 ooh cool where from? :slight_smile:

Has anyone called admissions today/did they share any updates? I might call a little after 10 so if they say anything different I’ll share

It would be nice of them to release before the weekend just in case we have a lot more applications to do…

I agree, their decision determines whether we are done, or have more work to do ?

I just called and they should its should be released by the end of NEXt week…I honestly don’t think the interns are being told anything lol no one has a direct answer

@adesigirl123 Germany :slight_smile:

How about you?

I just checked the GW admissions portal and there’s a notice that says “Please submit your missing document(s).”. There’s a link you can click but it takes you to a page that requires a GW ID and Pin number. Does anyone else have this?

I also received that message and I made an account. Not totally sure what it means though especially because I didn’t apply for financial aid.

I don’t have that

I just checked and I have that message too. Idk what to do…

@balletkat me neither. Could it be that somewhere in their system we’re marked as admitted and that prompted the computer to display that message? Maybe I’m just fishing, but it doesn’t seem impossible.

@GWU4223 honestly I think it’s very possible b/c when I made the account, my academic progress is listed as beginning Fall 2019… But maybe I’m just having false hope.

i received an email from the student accounts office last night asking for my TIN(SSN) because they need it to fill out some 1098 form?? but when i looked up what it was, the IRS identified it as a form universities have to file for enrolled students for their tuition statements etc. but i haven’t been accepted or anything,?

update: mine also says i’m missig documents but i assume its what they emailed me about last night tha i faxed today

This is what the internet says about receiving a GWeb login:

“The GWeb Information System, sometimes referred to as Banner or Banner Self Service, allows online access to GW student services, such as registering for classes, viewing student accounts, viewing grades and accepting financial aid. Students are assigned a GWeb account and pin when they have been accepted and signified their intent to attend GW, by paying a deposit.”

Still don’t totally understand though…