GW 2023 Early Decision 1

college counselor told me that gw admission rep told her monday late afternoon like after school. I dont know for sure. its what I think!!!

if i don’t have access to the portal with the financial aid stuff (as in its not even an displayed in my portal at all) does that mean I didn’t get in, i didn’t apply for financial aid but it doesn’t even give me the option to log in as a student

@fatcat27 No, it’s meaningless. Don’t worry. :slight_smile:

no, it doesn’t mean that. it simply means you did not apply for finical aid.

So I shouldn’t necessarily be hopeful simply because my status for the academic review changed from under review to new student, which happened just a few minutes ago

wait where do u see academic review-to new student? @akim1957

@akim1957 No, it probably just means that they’ve reviewed your application. It says nothing about whether or not you get in. I heard someone say they didn’t get in even though it said that and others have said they’re status remained “under review” but they got in.

does anyone know if they release decisions on the portal or on Gweb?

They posted on twitter that it will be later this month :frowning:

i can’t find that post do you mind linking it?

nvm just found it

where is the post

They just responded to someone by saying it will be later this month. But I wouldn’t pay attention to the Twitter account. It’s probably run by people who aren’t involved in the admissions process at all and only know the “by late December” timeframe.

I tried posting the link but it got flagged so we’ll have to wait for the moderators to approve it.

the tweet says “We know you’re waiting anxiously, and we can’t wait to release decisions, but they will be sent out later this month. We’ll post something on here as well! Just hold on tight.” in response to someone. big yikes. my resting heart rate feels like a panic attack lol

also i asked my college counselor today and he said its very possible they could send results over the weekend. is this legit? i guess i just assumed it would be in the afternoon of a school day

Last year and the year before, they released it on a weekday. So, I’m not sure how possible that is.

My stomach is upside down. GW Admissions replied to me on twitter… Ohio counselor emailed me saying definitely before the 20th. So. Nervous.
My portal, however, does say I need to submit my FAFSA verification which has only been requested by the schools I’ve been accepted thus far.
Hoping for the best for EVERYONE. Let’s hope it’s soon!

@GWU527 Same here. BTW when you say your portal asks for your fafsa verification are you talking about the link under “missing documents” that guides you to the gWeb site?

Yes—I should’ve clarified. It wants that form & my IRS transcript.
