GW.Force Checklist

I recently applied early decision, and shortly after submitting my application, supplement essay, and letters of rec, I was given a login for their admissions page to track my application. It says under the checklist on my account that they are still missing my early decision agreement, even though this was submitted with my application on the common app. Is anyone else having this issue? And if you did fix it, how did you do so?

@Blakery How long ago did you apply? LOL, I kinda have the same problem-- applied yesterday, logged into the portal (before they sent me the email, lol!) but everything is blank. Like, there’s no GWID, no checklist items, nothing… But I’m not trying to rush to rush to conclusions? However,I would suggest emailing the admissions office! They have extended hours until 8PM now since it’s a busy season, and they’re really friendly! Best of luck!

I had the same problem as you after I applied last sunday. It took about 2 days or so for the GWID and everything else to actually appear after logging in. I’ll definitely try emailing the admissions office, thanks for the tip! And good luck to you as well!!

mine says my ED agreement, common app supplement, APPLICATION, hs school report, and my transcript haven’t been received so I wouldn’t worry too much I think they just haven’t processed rhe forms considering it says my application isn’t even in but it clearly is because It says above my application was submitted