GW Transfer - Fall 2017

@chrisli75 I would get the college report filled out and then overnight it or fax it over to admissions. It will be a lot faster and in turn you will get your decision sooner! It took 2 weeks for my college to mail something out ha

@as06053 yeah I just gave it to my college to fax it but they said it is going to take 5-7 days which is really irritating. My school was really messy with communicating to me how to do the college report. I emailed GW explaining my situation so hopefully they won’t hurt me badly :frowning:

@oscar63 Thank you, I was checking the wrong one.

I got in! :slight_smile:

@JDichter Congratulations!!

@JDichter Congrats!

So, is anyone else waiting for decisions from other universities that extend past GWU’s enrollment fee date?

@Robinyoursoul I’m waiting to hear back from Notre Dame and Purdue but I don’t think I’ll get into ND and I’d rather go into debt at GWU over Purdue so I’m not too worried.

I should be hearing back from the rest of my schools next week! Im not sure when I will hear back from American but its not one of my top picks so I am not concerned.

@Robinyoursoul Hello! Im currently a sophomore and I decided to give GW another year, but I don’t think its the place for me. I’m transferring out for mainly two reasons: lack of community and challenge. In general, GW students either pretend or choose to hate on GW constantly. Although some students might love it here, most either have no school spirit or just don’t really care. I want to be at a place where theres a strong sense of community thats proud of where they go. Further, I don’t think Ive grown much since coming here. If you want to grow in more ways than one (at a place that promotes that specifically), I suggest people look elsewhere. However, this might be people’s dream school and they might love it!!! You never know - it just wasn’t the place for me… and it wasn’t for lack of trying!

I applied to BU, Northeastern, BC, Brown, Dartmouth, and Cornell. I heard back from BU and got in. Waiting for the others! Best of luck to all of you :slight_smile:

@NHuffer Was hoping I could come to you with this question: is there a way around not having to live on campus? I see that it is a requirement for students who aren’t seniors; however, I live in an apartment in Alexandria, VA and would use public-transpo to get to school if I decide on continuing with GWU…plus, 5+ years of sharing living spaces with Marines is enough for me lol

@Robinyoursoul Yeah, there’s definitely a way around that requirement. When I was there I spoke directly with the director of housing. I can look up the phone/email if you can’t find it. I chose to live on campus the first two years and was able to pick upperclassmen housing thanks to the director, then got off campus my last two years.

@Robinyoursoul I’m waiting to hear back from Georgetown! I read somewhere that Georgetown was able to do expedited admission decisions so I’m going to call on Monday and see if something can be worked out. They just started looking over the applications though so I’m not sure if that’s possible.

@transferfromgwu Well, those are some pretty good reasons to want to transfer from GWU. Honestly, coming from a community college, ANY university will have more school spirit than the one I’m attending. Good luck on your transfers!

@NHuffer thanks a ton, man. If I have trouble getting that information I’ll be sure to send you a PM. I don’t see the benefit of being on campus as opposed to the apartment I have in town.

@phillysteak same here! Please let me know what you find out as I would like to hear what they have to say. Georgetown U is definitely worth the wait to see if I get accepted, but no decisions till May? Come on. The earliest transfer decision that came out last year was April 29th

@Robinyoursoul Yeah, I probably would have done the apartment to start but that was 2 years before the Post-9/11 GI Bill. No BAH…

I am in the process of sending in financial aid forms and I am just wondering if I send in w-2s from 2015 or 2016? My current school requires the 2015 so I’m just wondering!

Do you guys think I have a chance for transfer admission?
College GPA: 4.0
High School: 3.4 weighted GPA
SAT-Opt Out
I took 10 AP Classes All in total

I am a black male from the hood, who watched his cousin get shot by gang members, and has had to take care of a mom who had a stroke. But I have some very awesome extra curricular activities. I am president of my school’s debate team, and I’ve had to be the coach and president because our school couldn’t afford a coach. I am ranked as the best teenage orator in my city, and one of the top 80 orators in the nation. First black to win the California State championship in speech and debate. I started a tutoring program for black students at my school, because blacks were performing way lower than other ethnic groups. And because of that program, all of the failing black students who participated in the program ended up passing. I interned for a state senator, and when interning for him I hosted a debate tournament for inner-city youth. In addition, I wrote a bill called AB 672 which gives assistance to prisoners who are wrongfully convicted. The bill that I wrote was actually voted by the California State senate and signed by the state governor, and now the bill I wrote is now in effect. I also have won several awards for Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, and I am a columnist for a local newspaper. I also have stopped a lot of peers in my neighborhood from joining gangs and getting addicted to drugs. My grades are low, but I’ve done amazing things. Do you think that they’ll look past my low high school gpa and test scores and give me a chance?

@amoore001 Not only do I think you have great chance at George Washington but also Georgetown. Im not a college admissions councilor but you do sound like a student that both schools are looking for.

@amoore001 I agree completely with @as06053

soooooo when is the second wave?

@as06053 I got an email yesterday to setup the student portal, so I imagine it’s soon.

anybody else on the portal keep getting “error 404” when you try to login? happened to me yesterday so i changed the password. now happening again today