GW Transfer - Fall 2017

Bro, you got this! @chrisli75

@WhoTouchedMyTaco yo honestly i hope so too

anyone know how often the waves are? is it like once a week or something?

Mine still says application submitted

So last month I received an email saying that the only thing Left that is needed to me submited were my college transcripts. they didn’t ask for my highschool transcript even though it showed on the portal that it wasn’t submitted (I actually sent it via mail 2 months ago). Any advice as to what I should do?

@Monekyboy961 You have to contact your school to send the transcript for you. They don’t accept transcripts sent by students.

mine application status still says under review. it does not say complete.

@dabdanze92 Mine also said under review (even though it was complete) the entire time until yesterday where I saw my decision. Do you have any missing documents shown on the portal?

@WhoTouchedMyTaco I submitted all of my documents one month ago, and it wasn’t loaded into the system until about 2 weeks ago… I am so surprised by how fast they processed it and made their decisions. Btw I love your username haha!

@Robinyoursoul i think I completed my application a couple days ago and every document is complete. I think I am just not in this wave.

Im currently a student at GWU trying to transfer. If anyone wants to talk about the school at all, lmk!

@transferfromgwu Maybe a question most of us might be thinking: can you tell us why you’re wanting to transfer out of GWU, what schools are you attempting to transfer to?

Side note, just got the email from GWU saying deposits are due by May 1st… Georgetown doesn’t send out decisions until after May 1st - still gonna hold out for GU but damn.

@Robinyoursoul how much is the deposit?

@as06053 $800

@Robinyoursoul JESUS CHRIST 800???

@Robinyoursoul or anyone else:

I received an email this evening with the subject line “Your deposit deadline” saying “This is just a reminder that your enrollment deposit and declaration of intent is due May 1”. Does this mean anything or did they send this to everyone?

I checked on the student portal and my application still says ‘Under review’ - no change.

@JDichter Did you get the email yesterday to set up your GW portal? The decisions are on the new portal you set up- not the one that has list of documents received and or missing.

Is this the link for the correct portal? I never got the email but somehow set it up on my own (I think).

@as06053 yep. That’s the correct link. That link is also available on the GW activity center.

My things still says “Incomplete.” Still waiting for my college to send that college report ugh… Anyone else kinda in the same boat?