GWU 2023 ED2 chance me!


Black girl
Immigrant parents
GPA: 2.9 (senior year not included) 86 average in evey class
I go to a very competitive private college prep school in virginia, been there since first grade
SAT: 1320 only took it once
ECs: i have two jobs (cashier 25 hrs week/ daycare provider 10 hrs week), went on a chinese exchange, play three sports and have been captain on all
Essays: wrote about issues facing indigenous americans and for common app talked about my family issues and drug addiction in my family and how its effected it
Recommendations: my advisor since ninth grade and my best teacher friend who has been my teacher for three years

GPA is obviously on the low side sat score is pretty good but considering you work two jobs and are a captain of three varsity sports I think that could partly make up for your GPA. Your chances are probably okay especially since it’s ED2. Good luck!

What’s your courseload like with the 2.9 GPA? Any honors/AP courses?

my school doesnt offer honors or ap courses i take all core classes with a few electives like film and international relations

I think that with your application, GW is a bit of a reach. I think that your two jobs and three sport teams will balance some of downside of your GPA, but there’s no telling how much. I also think that if you did a good job selling yourself in your essays and showed strong interest (applying ED helps, if that’s what you did), that there’s still a chance, so don’t be completely discouraged.

Good luck, and I hope you get good news when acceptance letters are sent out!