GWU Chances

Hello, I already posted a forum asking for chances at GWU but its been a while so I was wondering if someone could give me an updated perspective. By the way, I’m applying early decision into the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences to major in history (my second choice is applying to the political communications major) and I’m considering applying to the Civil House program.

W GPA: 4.11 UW GPA: 3.4 (my gpa is low because I took almost all honors/AP classes all four years and got As in English and history but B/C s in math and science - I’m kinda relying on colleges acknowledgeing the fact I challenged myself)

SAT: I currently have 1340 on the SAT, I am taking it one more time and hope to improve to a 1400 or at least be able to super score

APs: 5 APUSH, 5 AP Lang (my school doesn’t let sophomores take APs but I also took Econ junior year - I got an 86 in the class but a 2 on the AP; I’m taking AP Euro, AP Chinese, AP Gov, and AP Lit senior year)

SAT 2: 750 US history

Extra Curriculars: Varsity Girls Golf, President/Founder of Women’s Empowerment Club, President of Junior Statesmen Club, Girl Scout, Girls State, Diversity Club Secretary, on the board of student council, intern at a legal center for low income families, and hope to get another internship on a campaign for the up coming midterm in my state.

I also have taken classes at NYU and I have a letter of recommendation from a poli sci prof there and a strong recommendation from my APUSH teacher.

I am also submitting a article I wrote for the newspaper at Girl State in my application.

If anyone could give me advice or tell me my chances that would be super great because college apps season is around the corner and I’m incredibly stressed like most seniors

Also idk if this helps but I’m writing my common app essay on how talking on the phone with the low income people at the law center shaped my perspective on poverty and made me more socially aware