GWU Chances??

Hello I’m wondering what my chances at George Washington Uni are, hope someone can give some insight!

Weighted GPA: 4.1/5
Unweighted GPA: 3.4/4

AP Econ
AP Lang
-took honors math, history, English, and Chinese throughout high school

I’m a junior so I haven’t finished taking the ACT yet but I hope to get 30+

-president of Junior Statesmen at my school
-founder of women’s empowerment club
-volenteering with pro bono civil law firm
-girls scout
-varsity girls golf
-girls state


Without test scores, any projections are not worth much. Your grades are low for GW, your ECs are solid. GW has a test-optional policy, but a 3.4 UW GPA is likely not going to cut it without a decent test score. Test optional helps kids with great grades and solid rigor who don’t test well. If your grades are not top notch, you need a high test score to compensate.

What do you think I should aim for? Will 30-32 ish be high enough or higher?

I took the ACT once without practice or knowledge of the timing etc. to see how I would do. I got a 27 and a perfect score on the essay section. I feel like with actual studying and a better concept of the test I could easily break 30.

you will get it in. Just work on EC’s and a good college essay and think of doing ED rather than EA or Regular.

Lol, “aim” for the highest score you can get.

Agreed with @BooBooBear in that your GPA is on the low side (not too low) so a high test score will definitely help. Like anyone else, make sure your essay is solid, too, and very GW-specific.

I know its been awhile since I last posted on here, but I have decided to major in history. Does anyone think this will help me get into GW? is this popular major there (I don’t think it is)? if I decide to change majors (possibly in junior or sophomore year) is this easy to do?

Well, it should make it a bit easier as it’s part of the Columbian School, which is the largest at GW and therefor accepts the most students. If you decide to change majors, it will be very easy as long as the new major is also in the Columbian School. If you need to transfer schools, it complicates the matter, especially if it’s a selective school like Elliott. Another thing worth nothing, you don’t officially declare a major until the end of sophomore year. That’s another reason why it’s so easy to change course.