GWU Class of 2025 Waitlist

Have any of you written appeal letters to the office of admissions? Is it expected of us to?

I wrote one a few days go… I got a pretty general response back though. I’m not sure how much it will help but it doesn’t hurt. I wonder how many people if any they will take from their waitlist this year considering the stats from last year. Any thoughts?

For GW, i heard they have a very low waitlist rate… i think there was an article about how they didn’t pick anybody in 2019

Yeah… very disheartening lol. I’m trying to stay hopeful I think they’ll release waitlist decisions by the end of may

What response did you get back? I only got a submission confirmation

Submission confirmation for filling out the waitlist response right? For the other email I wrote to them they sent a very vague response just like talking about how later this month admissions is gonna follow up with a place to submit any extra information to ur applicant file.

Waitlist invitations (from George Washington CDS)…

Class of '21 - 27 out of 2082
Class of '22 - 14 out of 2081
Class of '23 - 3 out of 2238
Class of '24 - data not available

Not very promising.

hey guys i got waitlisted at gwu too so if u wanna be in a gc with other gwu waitlisted ppl, just contact me at @_drishya719 on instagram!!

Hi guys we want to make a gc for waitlisted gwu studentssss so hit either one of us up!! @_drishya719 @maddiebyun

hey guysss are you committing somewhere else? and if gwu accepts you will you go?

Hopefully everyone is committing somewhere else and not counting on the GWU waitlist. They typically admit very few from the waitlist.

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this year will be very different. The years past their yields were higher than they thought , but this year its a crapshoot.

any predictions? do you think they might accept more people from the waitlist this year?

its hard to gauge how many are accepting admissions and what the yield will be, but I suspect they will.

Hey, I got off of the waitlist on Friday


Does anyone know any information about getting off the waitlist or even getting an update? I figured it would be by yesterday but i still got no word

Son got an email today asking if he is still interested in GW. A few spots are open in the engineering school. He needs to fill out a questionnaire.

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do your portals work? mine isn’t letting me log in.

just got off the waitlist at the engineering school! got an email a couple days ago asking about my interest, still waiting on financial aid though :))

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Son accepted from the waitlist this morning - School of Engineering.

No info on FA yet.

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