GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

most schools now are need-blind so they dont care about our ability to pay tuition when considering if they’ll accept us. but GW is need-aware, so they could just deny a qualified student because that student would need “too much” aid

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I want to leave South Florida because there are absolutely no seasons here, but I also want to have a college experience in another city/state

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same ugh

they do give need-based scholarships, which is a good thing, but they shouldn’t be looking at our ability to pay when they’re deciding if they should accept us. they’re a well-funded university with plenty of money for scholarships and aid

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im from nova too!

ok, now I am even more nervous because I applied for financial aid and I don’t want to be rejected for that reason

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That’s so cool! Which school do you go to?

Omg same!

im in arlington

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Oh that’s nice! I’m in Fairfax County.

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Praying tomorrow is the day and that we all get accepted and not rejected due to our financial abilities


yup :))

you guys all seem so nice :slight_smile: i’m from maine, pretty perfect distance away from home for me. also looking to get out this small town and into a more urban environment


It feels nice to be able to relate to other teens the same age because I don’t know anyone from my school who applied to GW and I am so scared lmao


hope to meet you all one day


I see what you mean. I’m a virgo–explains why I’m introverted lol but I also want to go into the city so I can open up more!


woah we’ve got everyone from the east coast-- I’m from jersey ya’ll but I used to live in virginia

I USED TO LIVE IN FAIRFAX so you go to woodson?? what elementary school did you attend?? I attended mantua when I was a bby

also did anyone like not know what to write for the honors program essay? I blanked out in the middle of it like “wth am I writing”

Haha hate to break the streak but I’m from Minnesota. It is currently 10 degrees outside and will be in the negatives by New Years’. Definitely looking forward to winters in DC