GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

Yeah it was kind of a weird question too. I got more annoyed with the supplemental essay though I just could not word it right to save my life.

You all seem like awesome people and I am manifesting acceptances for you all. When this is all over tomorrow we should make a big group chat or something for accepted kids.


it was annoying ugh I had to email a few professors at gwu and some honors students to get their take on classes and stuff. I believe they want you to be very specific when it came to talking about why you want to be in the program??

how we feeling today? anyone else feel like today is going to be the day?

i think it’s definitely possible. be on the look out for any posts or tweets and definitely check the portal around 5. if not today then hopefully tomorrow!!

my mom thinks it’ll be today, just based on last year. but who knows if covid pushed it back. i really really hope it’s today though.

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I am really hoping it didn’t get pushed back… I feel like today is the day


I’m from Michigan and I applied for Political Science :slight_smile:
Fingers crossed today’s the day but gotta get through my exams first


i’m feeling really positive that it will be today! good luck on your exams :slight_smile:


It keeps saying I’ve reached my maximum amount of chats so here so hopefully it lets me send more. I’m from NYC but DC is such a different vibe I feel like. Do you guys really think they could release this week with all the schools that said “mid December” bc GW said “late December”?

i really hope it ends up being this week. I hate not knowing the date.

also yes, dc is super different then nyc :))

I feel like it has to be this week because they are on winter break all next week. Like what are they gonna do tell us on Christmas? That would just be mean lol.


I’ve been reading through the thread from last year and they were in the same situation. I can’t focus on anything in my classes I’m so nervous.


yeah i also feel like it’s gotta be this week. the office is going to close for the holidays so i imagine they want to get it out before then.

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I agree, it wouldn’t make any sense for them to do it past next Tuesday. They have to be available when they are released for ppl that have issues, can’t get into their portal, etc.


Does the website let you guys sign in?

If you are talking abt the admissions portal yes it lets me sign in

Hey!! I’ve been reading this thread for the past couple days and I’m glad to see that I’m not alone in being absolutely terrified!! Anyway, I was on a call with the Financial Aid Office this morning to fix something on my profile and the woman that was helping me said that Admissions is supposedly going to release decisions tonight.


omg finally some kind of confirmation