GWU vs AU - Jewish Studies/Hebrew

<p>I've been accepted to both of these schools and plan on studying Jewish Studies and Hebrew (with psychology as well but that's less of my focus). I was wondering if anyone has any insight into which of these two schools would be best for my intended studies. Any help is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>GW's better..If for no other reason than the sweet people on this board that are attending there.</p>

<p>wow youre the closest thing ive seen to my majoring in middle eastern studies at the elliott school...i gotta say that the elliott school just seemed way better to me than american's school for international affairs. location is big because gw is right there in the city and is at the heart of it all. are you in the elliott school or are you in the cas? i cant really tell because the middle eastern studies major has a concentration in jewish studies or arab studies (mines arab im going to study arabic) but basically i chose gw because of the location the internships the faculty (they just brought in a middle east expert from virginia for the next two years and are planning on expanding the program). american seems so secluded to me..i spent a week there and its way out in the suburbs...there doesnt seem to be a whole lot going on.</p>

<p>I'm accepted into the cas.</p>

<p>If you're looking for a practical education, GW will definitely give you that with real world experience with the internship opportunities available to you. Wanna go intern at the Israeli embassy? If you can handle the city, GW is a great place for you I think.</p>

<p>I was thinking about majoring in Middle Eastern Studies if i go to GWU next year</p>

<p>what is the level of difficulty for the major?
how big are the class sizes?
and…how are the professors?</p>

<p>One word about the classes: hard.
They made the classes this year even harder! Not sure why, but I guess it is based on the incoming bright class!</p>