GWU vs UDEL vs SUNY Stony Brook

I’ve been admitted to George Washington University, University of Delaware, and Stony Brook for a program in biomedical engineering. Which school has the best program? Internship opportunities? Campus Life?

They are all quite different than one another. What is your budget? Do you prefer a city or suburban campus? GWU is costly and in the city, whereas UD and Stony Brook are more reasonably priced and in less urban areas. Both UD and Stony Brook are strong in the sciences (I am not sure about GWU) It’s great that you know your major, but will you also need grad school? You might need to plan ahead and budget for that. Often times, it is a matter of feeling comfortable on campus and being recognized by the school in some way. Do you get this vibe from any one of the schools?

Heading back for second visits. After scholarships, GWU and UDEL are the same cost. Stony Brook is the cheapest but I keep hearing everyone clears out on the weekend. Looking for a strong program but also want a campus life I can get involved in. Not looking for a party school just some sort of social life.