GWU? Will I get rescinded, and/or will my financial aid be reduced?

Hi! I recently committed to the George Washington University as a political science major with receiving the Presidential Academic Scholarship ($22K) and the University and Alumni award ($25K). However, second semester senior year has been an extremely hard challenge for me in terms of maintaining my grades. Teachers have not only have been giving up on students, but also the curriculum itself, with many teachers being absent for consecutive days in a row. Consequently, with the hardest parts of the curriculum being taught during this time, and with zero available guidance from the teachers (with some even refusing to offer me extra help even though they didn’t teach anything), I was not able to do well on my mock exams. To note, I am a second year IB diploma student, and my expected grades will be 4 As and 4 Bs (3.50 unweighted GPA). My final GPA will be 3.825 unweighted, but this is definitely a drop from a 3.87 GPA I had without this semester included.

In all, I am worried that I will be rescinded for a circumstance that is purely not my fault, and I have lost significant sleep (only 2 hours per night now, and will reduce further), and if not I am extremely worried that my financial aid will be reduced for this debacle this semester. Any thoughts, insights, etc?

I doubt you will be rescind for those grades but please don’t blame the grades on others and say they are purely not your fault. The work gets harder as you progress. You will get B’s in your life. You are still a great student and will do well.

No. You will not lose your admission or scholarship money for those grades. Schools want you senior year to be difficult. Your GPA would probably need to fall well below a 3.0 before you would need to start being concerned about that. Now stop worrying and get some sleep! What you really don’t need is a nervous breakdown at age 18 from lack of sleep. Seriously, getting that little sleep can really harm your psychological well-being.

Lol, that’s hardly a drop in GPA. Don’t worry one second more- you’ll be fine :slight_smile: